Being entrepreneurs ourselves and working exclusively with entrepreneurs has allowed us to gain a deep understanding of the entrepreneurial mindset.
We genuinely believe in having a local presence in each of our core markets. Therefore, we have a local team with offices and partners in Ljubljana, Zagreb and Sarajevo.
An entrepreneurial mindset results in an approach to company analysis that emphasizes dynamic relationships, challenging strategies, and an alignment of interests. Our primary goal is to partner with owners and managers in realizing growth potential and developing businesses.

Team expertise
More than 100 years of accumulated experience
Dedicated to SME
Specialized in cross-border transactions
International approach combined with local expertise
Providing access to global markets
Dynamic relationships and alignment of interests
Investment themes.
Export-led organic growth
We seek to invest in companies which have proven, competitive products or services that can cater to much wider markets than their home market (preferably throughout the EU or even beyond).
Consolidation potential
We seek to invest in companies which have consolidation potential in the Southeast Europe region. We would prefer to invest in a single company which has consolidation potential (a.k.a. a consolidation platform), and later on do a series of bolt-on acquisitions.
Asset under-utilization
Either as part of the transaction or post-investment, the fund will look to increase the productivity and utilization of assets with the aim of catching up with the leading global industry KPIs.
What we are looking for
We are interested in owners of companies that currently generate at least around 1 mil EUR of EBITDA and/or at least around 5 mil EUR of revenue, and that are characterized by one or more of the following:
- High cash flow generation
- High growth potential with global competitiveness
- Consolidation potential, either vertical or horizontal, cross-border or domestic
- A strong market position
- In a growing industry and/or
- In a niche industry
Selected Areas of Focus:
- Business Services
- TMT (Telecom, Media and Technology)
- Manufacturing and Industrial Production
- Hospitality and Entertainment
- Healthcare
- Food and Beverage
No interest in:
- Arms and guns
- Tobacco
- Speculative real estate
- Gambling
We are the right partner for you if we share the same vision and strategic direction.
We will always find a transaction structure to align interests among us, the entrepreneur, and the company.
How we do it
Where the team, along with company management, works intensively on the “easy fixes” that were identified when due diligence was conducted on the company. These fixes, performed internally, include stepping up in terms of corporate governance, reporting and monitoring procedures, budgeting, procurement, optimization of WC, negotiations on any existing debt arrangements, the introduction of top level (senior) personnel, etc.
- Due diligence and 100-day action plan
- Detailed financial analysis
- Costs and profitability optimization
- Recommendations on important HR issues
Where the team, along with company management, works intensively on the mid-term changes, such as the introduction and strengthening of functional procedures and the introduction of middle management (if required), and ensures that changes are being conducted in accordance with the envisioned plan of the company.
- Execution of resource- and market-based strategy
- Execution of the business plan
- Industry benchmarking
- Corporate governance
- Management improvement
The goal for the team (and the management team) is to reach the set benchmarks, vision, and results which were defined at the beginning (when the investment was initially made). Once the changes have been successfully implemented, the result can be partial or full transformation of the initially bought asset (company). The transformation can be purely organizational (successfully transitioning from an entrepreneurial-run or family-run business into an independent management company), it can be made by introducing new, more advanced products, or it can be facilitated by entering into a completely new vertical for the business. This is done to create additional value at exit.
- Reshape and change the business model
- New organizational design
- Introduction of new products (services)
- Opening of new markets and businesses
- Industrial leadership
- Due diligence and 100-day action plan
- Detailed financial analysis
- Costs and profitability optimization
- Recommendations on important HR issues
- Execution of resource- and market-based strategy
- Execution of the business plan
- Industry benchmarking
- Corporate governance
- Management improvement
- Reshape and change the business model
- New organizational design
- Introduction of new products (services)
- Opening of new markets and businesses
- Industrial leadership
We create smart transaction structures with aligned interests with our partners. The goal of these structures is to address the motivation of entrepreneurs that are selling or recapitalizing their business and the fundās long-term interest in exiting the business.
Our value creation process (Fix-Evolve-Transform, or F.E.T.) is first applied in the analysis phase of the project, and consequently after the investment is made.